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Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson once again lost his temper and called a reporter “a**hole” during an interview

The 54 year old movie star was giving a satellite interview to U.S. WGN-TV to promote his upcoming movie ‘The Edge of Darkness’. The show host Dean Richards was talking to Gibson.

But, when reporter asked the Aussie actor that if the incident of his 2006 drunk driving arrest, in which the actor spewed anti-Semitic insults at a police officer can change public’s perception of him.

To which annoyed Gibson replied, “That’s almost four years ago, dude. I’ve moved on, I guess you haven’t… I’ve done all the necessary mea culpas, so let’s move on, dude. Come on.”

Lastly when the reporter concluded the interview, urging film fans to see Gibson’s new film, than the actor said, “Bye bye,” took a swig of coffee and then called the TV host an “a**hole”, thinking he was no longer live and the interview was over. But the camera caught him abusing the reporter and aired it on the website.

Saturday, February 6, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

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