Famous Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has waned journalists who are spreading rumors about his daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai’s health. The Angry Old (young) Man called it “the lowest quality of journalism”.
Big B was very annoyed with the article, published in Mumbai Mirror, on Thursday. The article alleged that Aishwarya had been trying to conceive for a long time but was unable to do so because of stomach tuberculosis. But Amitabh said this was totally false.
The 67 year old actor said that, if anyone spoke derogatorily about her, he would fight till his last breath.
Big B posted a message on his blog site, “I am too incensed and angered by the contents above! Not a single portion of the article is true…I am the head of my family. Aishwarya is not my daughter-in-law, she is my daughter, a woman, a lady in my house and home.”
He also wrote, “If anyone will speak derogatorily about her, I shall fight for her till my last breath. If you have something to say to the men in the house, Abhishek or me, I shall bear it. But, if you shall make injudicious remarks on the women in my home, I shall not tolerate it”.
The veteran actor posted a copy of the article on his blog and branded the news “completely false, completely fabricated, unsubstantiated, insensitive and of the lowest quality of journalism there ever was"
Sunday, February 21, 2010
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Amitabh Bachchan
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